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Martin Luther King Senior Center

Martin Luther King Jr. Senior Center

Las Vegas, NV



Clark County developed the scope of the MLK Senior Center project with the intention of serving the Center’s growing senior population in a more effective manner. One of the main objectives of this project was to design a sizable and flexible multipurpose room that was served efficiently by the necessary ancillary spaces. The Center’s existing lunchroom only held 50 people at one time, and the volume of people during lunch time was more than was serviceable by the existing kitchen, necessitating the lunch period to be executed in multiple shifts. Aesthetically, Clark County’s team wanted the addition to incorporate the main attributes of the existing senior center to provide a harmonious addition to this vital community facility. Lastly, keeping in mind the increasing number of visitors to the Center, Clark County wanted to maintain full operational status throughout the construction period without a decrease in parking availability. 

